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Saturday, May 3, 2008

[ONA] Candy☆Boy Ep1

[Posted @ 11:37 AM]
It was supposed to be a wonderful friday but was kinda spoiled by the presentation I had on that fateful day ... sigh I really felt bad about it and with my groupmates, we worked hard but ... sigh. Reckon that hard work doesn't always pay off.

Anyways, bad thoughts aside, ONA, Candy☆Boy Ep1 was released via Niconico last night, 7pm [Japan Time], which means it's hm 8pm [Brisbane Time] lol.

If you haven't watch Episode 1 yet, OZMG what the hell are you doing?! Click the link below RIGHT NOW before I THROTTLE YOU!

It's 14 minutes LONG, yes, twice the time of the prologue and twice the fluff!!!

Candy☆Boy Ep1

So go on.

Ah, I believed you watched the episode already hm? There's only one reason why you will continue to read my post lol, that's cos you don't or vaguely understand what they were talking about ne? LOL. Ah, just joking.

Afterall, coming from a person who watch Mandarin subs, I'm not much better. Anyways, I reckon that there're already alot of summaries and squeals going around since last night.

Candy☆Boy Ep1

It's sooooo fluffy, so sweet, so suggestive, ahhh, best yet, it made all my worries and troubles from last night melt away. Right from the start, the waking up scene really sent my mind into the gutter ... I mean, a sleepy Yukino mumbling ... 'Kana-chan's that place's so hard~'. I MEAN LIKE WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO THINK OF besides *that*?! LoL. Then she went on to add, 'Can't help it then ...', *invites Kanade into her blanket* went on to whine, 'Hurry~~~ up~~~'.


Kanade's reaction was totally drastic too as she dropped her hairpin which she was biting on, stopped whatever she was doing and climbed in with Yukino lol. Well, in the end, the girls might be late for school and thus had to miss breakfast, to Yukino's dismay. While they were waiting for the train, Saku-chan appeared and was moe-ing over Kanade's untied hair and megane appearance XD kawaii~. The two girls then left the dreaming Saku-chan at the platform lol and boarded the train.

Yukino revealed that Sakuya actually made the effort to be at the same station as them every morning even though she lived on the other side. Yukino then asked whether if Kanade would do that for her as well, Kanade mumbled about Yukino knowing the obvious asnwer and tried to change the subject. But eventually Kanade replied that she will try her very best to be there, awww.

In school, while Yukino's happily digging in her pudding ignoring Sakuya who was chatting up with Kanade until Kanade told Yukino to help her out lol. Yukino then showed some pictures of Kanade to Sakuya who later gave her the promised 50 coffee vouchers to a high class hotel's cafe as a 'thank you' gift LOL. The pissed Kanade then pinched and dragged Yukino off to a corner for a 'small talk' lol.

Later, Kanade was at the school pool, waiting for Yukino to probably finish her club activity, as she was waiting, Sakuya, who was probably in the swimming club as well, drew an umbrella with both their names in it [It kind of symbolizes the persons who's names were written under the umbrella are in love]. That image triggered one of Kanade's memories of younger Yukino and her walking home sharing an umbrella.

Kanade went on to mention that it was taken from granted that they shared most of their stuff in primary school and kind of stopped when they went in secondary school however, the unchanging fact were their feelings for each other. In the dorm room, Kanade was happy over the fact that the weather report predicted that it will rain tomorrow. The next day, Kanade was feeling that her plan will go well as sky was dull and rain seemed inevitable.

During class, Kanade kept staring out of the window, hoping to see signs of water droplets lol and indeed, it started raining. After classes, the sisters went on separate ways for their club activities. Later, Kanade checked her locker and found her supposed-to-be-there umbrella was gone!!! LoL. Oh nos, that means her perfect plan of sharing a umbrella with Yuki-nee was foiled! On top of that, the weather forecast predicted 'Sunny' for the next six days lol.

Kanade went around to buy/borrow a umbrella but failed ... Saku-chan then invited Kanade to go home together via her family car but Kanade make an excuse saying she had to go somewhere else with Yukino. Kanade then tried to 'test the waters' by asking Sakuya how Yukino felt on that fact that Sakuya likes Kanade. Sakuya replied that she don't really understand but she felt that it's not right that if she thought of sacrificing her friendship with Yukino just to be with Kanade. [Seriously, I don't really understand either lol]

Anyways, Kanade smiled, patted on Sakuya's head and commented that Sakuya's a better kid than she had thought out to be and took off, leaving Sakuya in bliss lol. Later, Kanade told Yukino that the supposed-to-be-there umbrella wasn't there and she had tried borrowing an umbrella but was unsuccessful. Yukino then revealed her own umbrella to Kanade lol, it seemed like Yukino knew all about Kanade's 'secret plot' after all.

I was thinking that Yukino was the one who 'stole' the umbrella from Kanade's locker [That explains why she doesn't want Kanade to visit her during her club activity, lying that she's embarrassed by Kanade's presence there] and gave it to Sakuya who opened the umbrella to find it ... unusable LOL. Evil Yukino XD.

Ahhhhh~ ... gave me a nice after feeling ... the months I've waited were worth it, don't you think so too? I wonder when the second episode will be aired ... is it weekly? I sure do hope so!!!

Okay, now off to make brunch and then watch Last Friends Ep4 lol, I'll do up a post later in the evening XD.

[Signing off @ 1:20 PM]